Cuesta Physics 205B Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Tours (Special Thanks to PG&E/John Lindsey)
Cuesta Physics 205B Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Tours (Special Thanks to PG&E/John Lindsey)
Daiblo Canyon Fall 2013
Indulging Physics 205B Students with a full Diablo Tour given by John Lindsey! Long tour - but spectacular!
Diablo Canyon Fall 2013: Control Room
Diablo Control Room: Which Switch is Which? Wow! Just look at those dials and knobs...at home at ground control here!
Diablo Canyon Fall 2013
Megawatts of energy without greenhouse gas emissions made locally here., a climate change positive. The uranium fuel source is used from retired weapons (learn more about the megatons to megawatts program ) and the small bits used really generate a heck of a lot of electricity!
Diablo Canyon Fall 2013
Wow - what a place! For the amount of electricity it generates, the sprawl is however very insignificant.