San Benito's First Annual Science Night

May 8th 2015

Celebrating Science in the "International Year of Light"

A busy night full of science enthusiasts and events from start to finish, inside and outside.  San Benito Teachers Jean Sutton et all, Cuesta College Faculty (Mark Sparlin and I), Cuesta College Physics 205A students,  special guests CCAS (Central Coast Astronomical Society), Central Coast Meteorologist John Lindsey, Atascadero GREYBOTS, and a fantastic mix of San Benito parents, volunteers, and students!  

From setting up (a lil Kaul and Cuesta student as seen), to filling up inside and outside, entertaining all with science for all ages, to winding down!  Wow!  What an event!

San Benito's Second Annual Science Night April 29th 2016! 

Celebrating the Science of Energy!


San Benito's Third Annual Science Night April 28th 2017! 

Forces at Work Everywhere!

San Benito's 4th Annual Science Night May 4th 2018! 

Weather + Climate Science!


Today’s Forecast:

Lots of Light with a chance of Interference!